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Humans must be human and nothing else. They are full of weaknesses, limitations and lapses. In consequence, such weaknesses, limitations and lapses usually show in their dealings.

Despite the assumed polishing and refinement of education, civilization and sophistication, humans remain human, as dangerous bends are turned in the journey of living.

Lies are told and camouflages are worn. Rules are bent and justice denied in response to position, favouritism and nepotism.

This reality cuts across the genders and races of the world when considered from a holistic perspective. Therefore, no one, neither group nor race are innocent of this misdemeanor!

In consequence, the cliche, ‘ Not minding whose ox is gored’ only holds true to some extent. There are those when whose ox is gored’ attracts immediate attention, compensation or reparations.

Another cliche ‘ The law is a respecter of nobody ‘ also has its limitations, appreciations and applications.

When some persons and positions are involved, the law must employ other logics to change that narrative.

In other words, the ideology of ‘ No sacred cow’ is only a pipedream sound to be readily discarded when the cases of relative bigwigs come on board.

There is no gainsaying or debunking this notion. It holds true and remains truthful in the confines of humanity.

Only the Almighty God is an avid administrator of justice with probity and equity.







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