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There is fire on the mountain: This proverb indicates the availability of danger in any relative environment. It prophesies of doom or looming doom in the plethora of human experiences

Why a gutting fire on the mountain should excite much concern remains highly suspicious. Nobody is living on the mountain nor does the mountain house many valuables.

Why then should a gutting fire on the mountain create much distress to disorganize equanimity? Maybe, if the fire is not put off, it will eventually migrate down to human habitation and do many damages

Metaphorically, fire on the mountain captures other scenario of unpleasantness. The proverb could be employed to announce cases of unexpected and untold hardship.

What Nigerians are facing and undergoing currently is symbolic to this proverb.

Hunger and hardship have become so pronounced that adults now weep like motherless babies! Hunger and anger had ignited and fueled a nationwide protest for the first time after longest time!

Nigerians have been known for excessive patience and tolerance. For them to have marched out in protest against governance indicates that there is fire on the mountain!

Who kindled this fire? What is his intention and target? To create evil and start to resolve evil?

All eyes are watching and seeing! Though tears of blood may blur clear vision, hearts are beating with bad blood!

Whoever kindled this fire had better put it off! Sentiments apart, a countering fire is looming!

Only a timely stitching in the torn and bleeding hearts will save this unbearable situation!

The time of palliative action is now or never! A stitch in time, saves nine!







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