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The judiciary is the third arm of government responsible for the interpretation of the law and administration of justice.

The judiciary being resolute implies the possession of the following qualities and more: Possession of strong moral will and legal fibre to adjudge cases and give judgement without any bias. Ability not to favour any one before the law, no matter the temptations and opposing factors.

On the other hand, the manipulative judiciary possesses the opposite of these requisite qualities. It is always jittery and fickle to handle cases and pronounce judgements without fear, favour or favouritism.

It gives and withdraws multiple judgements on the same cases over time. And it proves itself to be corruptible, chameleonic and unreliable!

Are there instances of the former qualities, the latter ones or both among the judiciary?

Is the Nigerian judiciary resolute or manipulative in consequence?

Why should terms of competence and jurisdiction be brought to debunk judgements already given by any grade of court by another court in the land?

Those courts whose reputation is discredited by such practices, are they not manned by qualified and certified judges in the land?

The judges of those discredited and degraded courts, did they attend night schools?

Did their counterparts in the assumed higher courts graduate from Oxford and Harvard universities?

What then is behind this unexpected practice? Is the judiciary being resolute or manipulative by so doing?

As a people, who are not so learned like the legal luminaries, we would like to know the why of these prevalent practices.

I rest my case, with all respect and humility!






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