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There are ongoing agitations/clamours for the creation of more states in Nigeria, under the present dispensation. Especially, in the SE Geopolitical Zone,..


By ShaFT@ Polemics.





  1. There are ongoing agitations/clamours for the creation of more states in Nigeria, under the present dispensation. Especially, in the SE Geopolitical Zone, designed in principle to remedy decades of imbalance and geopolitical Asymmetry, in terms of short-changing the SE Zone. Consequently, Orlu, Adada, ETITI States, as proposed by the Movers/Proponents, drawn principally from the NASS, have continued to gain currency and steady momentum.
  2. Kudos, to the HoR Members/Legislators from the SE Zone, who have been in the forefronts/vanguards of the agitations as Representatives of SE Zone.
  3. Particularly worrisome, however, in the SPECIFIC case of Abia State and SPECIFICALLY ISUIKWUATO Geopolitical Zone is the agitations for the creation of ETITI State and the INCLUSION of UTURU (a component part of ISUIKWUATO LGA) in the proposed ETITI State but curiously the virtual or total EXCLUSION of the other integral/component parts of ISUIKWUATO LGA.
  4. The seemingly obvious or fuzzy reasons for this peculiar and STRANGE arrangement/schemes, spearheaded by the Honourable Member representing ISUIKWUATO/UMUNNEOCHI in the HoR/NASS, are yet to be PROPERLY ESPOUSED or EXPLAINED to the Stakeholders, especially ISUIKWUATO Clan/geopolitical Zone Stakeholders.
  5. The apparent SECRECY or the thick Clouds of suspicions and political ‘Gerrymandering’ shrouding/surrounding this critical matter of public importance, calls for in-depth, INTERROGATIONS, thus:
(A). At what point in time or circumstances were the decisions reached with the spectrum of key Stakeholders in terms of CONSULTATIONS leading to the current advocacy of CARVING UP Isuikwuato LGA by means of PARTITIONING/ Balkanization: ceding UTURU to ETITI State, as proposed and fervently advocated/advanced by Hon. Amobi Ogah?

(B). Who were the Representatives of UTURU, and ISUIKWUATO Clan/Axis particularly, in the platforms or sessions wherein these critical issues were tabled, deliberated on and collectively or consensually resolved?

(C). What critical inputs were sought and/or obtained from the CONSTITUENTS as the people whose Mandates are required first and foremost (in form of Plebiscite or Referendum) to advance any clamours, either in favour, or not in favour, for the INCLUSION and/or EXCLUSION from whatever states creations arrangements, stemming from the ongoing seemingly UNILATERAL arrangements of the HoR Member representing ISUIKWUATO/UMUNNEOCHI Federal Constituency?

(D). What were/are the calculated or perceived gains/advantages/benefits to be conferred/derived by UTURU Axis of Isuikwuato LGA in the PURSUIT of INCLUSION in ETITI State as proposed; and conversely, what are the disadvantages/demerits/losses to be incurred/suffered by Isuikwuato Clan, based on the calculated designs to EXCLUDE Isuikwuato Clan/Axis from ETITI State?

(E). Similarly, the concurrent clamours and vigorous campaigns for the creation of UTURU-CHIEZE LGA is in no wise by ACCIDENT politically. Rather, it’s based on purely calculated political designs at undermining irredeemably, geopolitically ISUIKWUATO Clan/Axis of Isuikwuato LGA, as presently constituted, with the excision from the present ‘Union’ of Isuikwuato LGA

(F). Suppose the designs to carve up Isuikwuato LGA and precisely to carve out a separate UTURU-CHIEZE LGA comes to fruition; as well as the grand designs to include UTURU in ETITI State; and Isuikwuato Clan is EXCLUDED as masterminded, one is constrained or forced to imagine what would be the FATE of ABIA State University and the labours/endeavours of Isuikwuato Clan citizens and people who spared no meaningful efforts/initiatives towards the establishment of the Institution: particularly the short and long terms implications for Isuikwuato Clan/geopolitically/politically and economically?

I can go on and on————-

But suffice it, at this juncture, to state UNEQUIVOCALLY, that the current dynamics and the political Game of ‘Gerrymandering’ orchestrated and masterminded by the Honourable Member representing ISUIKWUATO/UMUNNEOCHI in HoR/NASS, are CERTAINLY NOT in the Ultimate best political interests of ISUIKWUATO Clan/Axis!

You may disagree with my opinion and insights; in fact, you are at liberty; the freedom is at your disposal to brand/paint me whatever image you may fancy as it may suit your judgement!

On the other hand, if you consider and carefully chew over these critical and sensitive issues, even if our opinions differ in some significant respects or measures, one thing is CERTAIN and INDISPUTABLE: These developments when manifestly become  realities are bound to remain some kind of terrible spectres to the memories of present and future generations of Isuikwuato Clan/Axis/Geopolitical Zone!


@ ShaFT@ Polemics.

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